Lud135, a temperature-sensitive yghB yqjA mutant. (A) Lud135 transformed with vector pACYC184 (Lud135−, black circles), p-yghB (Lud135+, black diamonds), or p-yqjA (Lud135+, white circles) was grown at 30°C to an OD600 of ∼1.0 in LB-chloramphenicol and then diluted 10-fold into prewarmed medium (44°C); growth was subsequently monitored at 15-min intervals. Cultures were diluted 10-fold into fresh prewarmed medium when the culture density reached an OD600 of 0.3 to 0.4 to maintain logarithmic growth. Cumulative growth was calculated by correcting for dilution. (B) Growth of Lud135/pACYC184 (labeled “−”), Lud135/p-yqjA, Lud135/p-yghB, Lud135/p-dedA, Lud135/p-yohD, and Lud135/p-yabI on LB-chloramphenicol agar plates at 30 and 42°C.