Gene (ORF) | SNP target | Strain Sakai nucleotide | Amino acid position | Codon polymorphisma | Nonsynonymous or synonymousb | Function |
ECs2357 | 539 | C | 180 | T c/a C | NON | Hypothetical protein |
ECs2521 | 1060 | T | 354 | g/t CC | NON | p-Aminobenzoate synthetase component I |
ECs3881 | 438 | T | 146 | A C t/c | SYN | Hydrogenase-2 small subunit |
ECs4130 | 630 | T | 210 | G C t/c | SYN | Sodium/pantothenate symporter |
Lowercase letters indicate positions of reference versus diagnostic amino acids in the SNP codon.
NON, nonsynonymous; SYN, synonymous.