FIG. 5.
Immunodetection of Wolbachia by anti-VirB6 peptides in cellulo and in insecta. Tissues were labeled with anti-VirB6 and fluorescent conjugates. (A to C) Oocytes of A. tabida singly infected with strain wAtab3 (A) and infected with the three strains wAtab1, wAtab2, and wAtab3 (B) and of an uninfected A. tabida line generated by antibiotic treatment (C). P and SP indicate polar and subpolar regions, respectively. (D) Low-magnification image showing Wolbachia wMelPop in a group of Aedes aegypti RML12 cells with boundaries manually delineated by circles. (E) High-magnification image of an enlarged Wolbachia-infected RML12 cell demonstrating the cell shape. (F) Uninfected RML12 cell. N designates the nucleus.