FIG. 2.
Fingerprint contig building. (A) Restriction patterns of nine XhoI-digested BAC clones containing BSGfV integration analyzed with the software Image, version 3.10 (54). Lane M, 1-kb ladder (Invitrogen); lanes 1 to 9, BAC clones (the lane order is the same as in Fig. 1). (B) Consensus band map displayed in FPC version 4.7.9 (49) from the fingerprint analysis in panel A showing the ordering of clones and their fragments. At the top of the panel, the length of each clone is equal to the number of bands in the clone (total length of 17, ranging from −1 to 15). The points represent partially ordered groups: “+” indicates a match with the bottom band within the tolerance, “×” indicates a match within twice the tolerance, and “○” indicates no match. The middle portion of the panel indicates the consensus band numbers. The parameters used were as follows: tolerance, 7; cutoff, 10e-7. (C) Resulting contig of the nine BAC clones. The suffix symbols “*”, “=”, and “∼” represent the status of each clone: the “*” indicates a parent clone, which shares the same common bands with exact child clones (=) or a percentage of the common bands with approximate child clones (∼).