Effect of V on hPIV2 RNA replication. At 72 hpt, BSR T7/5 cells were lysed and immunoprecipitated with anti-NP MAb. NP-encapsidated RNAs were purified, and RT-PCR was carried out as described in Materials and Methods. The expected size of the PCR product is about 200 bp. Ethidium bromide staining of products from the RT-PCRs is shown. In the left panel, purified RNAs were used directly for PCR without the RT reaction. In the right panel, products from staged RT-PCRs are shown. Lanes: C, control cells transfected with pTM1-P, pTM1-NP, and pTM1-L without pPIV2-GFP; −V, cells transfected with pTM1-P, pTM1-NP, pTM1-L, and pPIV2-GFP; +V, cells transfected with pTM1-P, pTM1-NP, pTM1-L, and pPIV2-GFP plus pTM1-V. The migration of 100-bp DNA size makers is indicated adjacent to the blot.