Comparison of the IIAMan-HPr complex with the productive IIAMan-IIBMan complex. A, ribbon diagram showing a comparison of the IIAMan-HPr (PDB code 1VRC (9)) and IIAMan-IIBMan complexes superimposed on the coordinates of IIAMan. The A and B subunits of IIAMan are shown in blue and red, respectively, HPr is shown in purple, and IIBMan is in transparent green. The active site residues are also displayed (His-10′ of the B chain of IIAMan, His-15 of HPr, and His-175 of IIBMan). B, comparison of intermolecular helical-helical interactions in the IIAMan-IIBMan and IIAMan-HPr complexes, helices α1 and α3 of IIBMan in green, helices α1 and α3 of HPr in transparent lilac, helices α1 and α4 of the A chain of IIAMan in blue, and helices α2 and α3 of the B chain of IIAMan in red.