Dose response and time course of [Ca2+]i
after Epo stimulation of HEK 293T cells transfected with TRPC3 and Epo-R.
A, Epo dose response. HEK 293T cells transfected with TRPC3 and Epo-R
were stimulated with 0–40 units/ml Epo.
[Ca2+]i was measured at 2–5-min intervals
for 20 min. The peak percentage increase of
[Ca2+]i above base line was calculated for each
cell. Mean ± S.E. of the peak percentage increase above base line at
each Epo dose is shown. 13–20 individual cells were studied at each dose
in two experiments. *, a significant increase in
[Ca2+]i compared with cells treated for 20 min
with PBS (p < 0.0001). B and C, time course. HEK
293T cells transfected with TRPC3 and Epo-R were stimulated with 40 units/ml
Epo. [Ca2+]i was measured at 5-s intervals for
the first 30 s, at 15-s intervals for the next 60 s, and then at 2-min
intervals for 20 min after simulation with Epo (B) or PBS
(C). Mean ± S.E. [Ca2+]i
(nm) of 20 (Epo) or 15 (PBS) cells measured at each time point is
shown. *, a significant increase in [Ca2+]i in
Epo-treated cells compared with those stimulated with PBS.