Decreasing permeant ion concentrations enhances Mgo2+-blocking rate. (a) Single-channel currents activated by 10 μM NMDA + 10 μM glycine during block by 10 μM Mgo2+ at −50 mV with [Na+]o = 140 mM and the indicated [Cs+]i. (b) Open-time histograms corresponding to the currents shown in a to the left of each histogram. Lines are double-exponential (upper two histograms) or single-exponential (lower histogram) fits to the histograms. Number of events in each histogram is more than 2,000. The principal mean open time (τo) is shown above each histogram. (c and d) Dependence of 1/τo on [Mg2+]o under the indicated conditions. ○, 140 mM Nao+/130 mM Csi+; ▵, 140 mM Nao+/25 mM Csi+; □, 140 mM Nao+/8 mM Csi+; ▴, 105 mM Nao+/25 mM Csi+; ▾, 70 mM Nao+/25 mM Csi+. Lines are regression fits to the plotted points.