(A–J) Confocal images of NMJ 6/7 (A, C, E, G and I) and NMJ 4 (B, D, F, H and I) labeled with FITC-conjugated anti-HRP. (A, B) wild type. (C, D) C155GAL4; UAStkvACT/UAStkvACT synapses display an increase in bouton number and satellite bouton formation demonstrating that sufficiently high levels of BMP signaling can induce synaptic overgrowth. (E, F) Neuronal overexpression of Nwk suppresses TkvACT-induced synaptic overgrowth. (G, H) Increased bouton number and satellite bouton formation are observed in DadJ1e4 mutants, demonstrating that loss of negative regulation of BMP signaling results in synaptic overgrowth. (I, J) Synaptic overgrowth in DadJ1e4 is suppressed by neuronal overexpression of Nwk. (K, L) Quantification of total (K) and satellite (L) bouton number at NMJ 4 in wild type, C155GAL4; UAStkvACT/UAStkvACT, UAStkvACT/UAStkvACT, C155GAL4; UAStkvACT UASnwk/UAStkvACT, C155GAL4; UASnwk/+, C155GAL4; UAStkvACT/UASmyrRFP/UAStkvACT, DadJ1e4, DadJ1e4/Dad271-68 and C155GAL4; DadJ1e4 UASnwk/DadJ1e4 backgrounds. * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001. P-values above individual bars refer to comparisons between wild type and the indicated genotype. Scale bars equal 20 µM.