Fig. 1.
Peak synchrony (14 Hz, 215 ms, see Fig. 2) between a single reference ROI and the entire brain relative to prestimulus baseline synchrony. For a reference ROI in the temporal cortex, significant synchrony is seen in a relatively localized region of the PFC for primed, but not novel, objects. For a reference ROI in the PFC, significant synchrony is seen in a relatively localized region of the temporal cortex for primed, but not novel, objects. These results demonstrate in a reciprocal manner that there is significant synchrony between relatively restricted portions of the PFC and temporal cortex for primed, but not novel, objects. Note that the images on the left side of the figure are lateral views of the left hemisphere, and the images on the right side are ventral views. Other views across both hemispheres demonstrate that the left PFC and temporal cortex are the loci of significant synchrony (see Fig. S2 for other views of the brain).