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. 2008 Jun 2;363(1505):2943–2952. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2008.0044

Table 1.

List with lake names, corresponding to the numbers in figure 1 and values of EV and SV. (Data sources: n.d., no data available; references (a) Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN; P. Liechti), (b), (c) BUWAL (2002), (d) Liechti (1994), (e) Osservatorio dei Laghi Lombardi (2005), (f) Ohlendorf (1998), (g) Elber et al. (2001), (h) Ludovisi et al. (2004), (i) Garibaldi et al. (1997), (j) Keller et al. (2002), (k) Keller (2003), (l) Ribi et al. (2001), (m) Kiefer (1987), (n) W. Steiner Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke (NOK 2004, personal communication), and (o) field sampling June/July 2003, upper 20 m.)

corresponding no. (figure 1) lake name ‘historic dataset’ total phosphorus load (PT, μg l−1) maximal phosphorus load (PM, μg l−1) years since PM (YE) volume (VO; 106 m3) maximum depth (DM; m) surface area (SU; km2) elevation (EL; m a.s.l.) longitude (LO) latitude (LA) references
lakes north of the Alps
1 Ägerisee X 10 23 29 353 83 7 724 8.618 47.127 a, d, k
2 Baldeggersee X 52 517 28 173 66 5 463 8.258 47.207 a, c, d
3 Bielersee X 13 140 33 1240 74 40 429 7.163 47.071 a, d
4 Brienzesee X 3 25 22 5170 261 30 564 7.966 46.728 a, c, d
5 Greifensee X 63 535 30 148 32 8 435 8.677 47.353 a, d, j
6 Hallwillersee X 45 270 26 280 47 10 449 8.211 47.297 a, d
7 Klöntalersee 12 n.d. n.d. 56 47 3 847 8.975 47.025 n, o
8 Lej da Champfèr 11 n.d. n.d. 9 33 1 1791 9.806 46.469 f, o
9 Lej da S. Murezzan 43 n.d. n.d. 20 44 1 1768 9.849 46.495 f
10 Lej da Segel 11 n.d. n.d. 137 71 4 1797 9.732 46.418 f
11 Lej da Silvaplauna 13 n.d. n.d. 127 77 3 1791 9.796 46.449 f
12 Lungenersee 10 n.d. n.d. 66 68 2 689 8.162 46.804 l, o
13 Murtensee X 27 155 23 550 46 23 429 7.105 46.940 a, d
14 Neuenburgersee X 14 59 23 13 980 152 218 429 6.736 46.835 a, c, d
15 Pfäffikersee X 22 379 32 59 35 3 537 8.783 47.352 a, d, g
16 Sarnersee X 5 21 25 244 52 8 469 8.221 46.871 a, d
17 Sempachersee X 34 165 19 639 87 14 504 8.158 47.143 a, c, d
18 Sihlsee 13 n.d. n.d. 97 23 11 889 8.788 47.122 l, o
19 Thunersee X 3 23 22 6470 217 48 558 7.673 46.713 a, d
20 Türlersee X 15 157 28 6 22 0 643 8.503 47.270 g, l
21 Vierwaldstättersee X 7 32 27 11 907 214 114 434 8.364 47.013 a, c, d
22 Wägitalersee 19 n.d. n.d. 149 65 4 900 8.922 47.095 m, o
23 Walensee X 2 30 27 3180 145 24 419 9.211 47.123 a, d
24 Zugersee X 114 210 20 3174 198 38 413 8.483 47.161 a, d, l
25 Zürichsee, Obersee X 14 41 31 467 48 20 406 8.845 47.203 a, d
26 Zürichsee, Untersee X 25 130 33 3300 136 68 406 8.577 47.293 a, c, d
lakes south of the Alps
27 Lago di Alserio X 26 280 18 7 8 1 260 9.217 45.785 e, h
28 Lago di Comabbio X 72 200 28 17 8 4 243 8.692 46.763 b, e, h
29 Lago di Como X 35 74 24 22 500 410 145 198 9.267 46.000 e, h
30 Lago d'Endine X 17 35 19 12 9 2 334 9.938 45.778 e, h, i
31 Lago d'Idro 24 n.d. n.d. 684 122 11 370 10.517 45.767 b, e, h
32 Lago d'Iseo X 17 41 23 7600 251 61 186 10.067 45.733 e, h
33 Lago di Lugano X 47 176 23 5860 288 49 271 8.971 45.994 d, e, h
34 Lago Maggiore X 11 35 25 37 500 370 213 194 8.654 45.967 a, c, e, h
35 Lago di Mergozzo 1 n.d. n.d. 83 73 2 194 8.466 45.956 b, h
36 Lago di Monate 5 n.d. n.d. 45 34 3 266 8.664 45.786 e, h
37 Lago di Montorfano X 8 15 4 2 7 0 397 9.138 45.783 e, h
38 Lago Moro 8 n.d. n.d. 4 42 0 389 10.158 45.863 b, e, h
39 Lago d' Orta 4 n.d. n.d. 1300 143 18 290 8.400 45.817 b, h
40 Lago di Pusiano X 74 200 12 69 24 5 259 9.273 45.802 e, h
41 Lago del Segrino 12 n.d. n.d. 1 9 0 374 9.267 45.829 b, h
42 Lago di Sirio 24 n.d. n.d. 5 44 0 271 8.929 45.451 b, h
43 Lago di Varese X 82 400 28 160 26 15 238 8.750 45.800 e, h