C/EBPβ Regulates PGC-1α Expression in the Regenerating Liver
A, Total RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed from wild-type and C/EBPβ−/− livers at the indicated time points after partial hepatectomy. cDNA was quantified using real-time PCR and normalized to TBP cDNA levels. All data are shown as fold over 0-h wild-type expression levels. Error bars indicate sem. N = 2–4. *, P value < 0.001, 2-h control vs. 0-h control, 24-h mutant vs. 0-h control; #, P value < 0.05, 2-h control vs. 2-h mutant. B, Nuclear protein was isolated from wild-type and C/EBPβ−/− livers at indicated time points after partial hepatectomy, separated by SDS-PAGE, and immunoblotted with either α-PGC-1α, α-TBP, α-CREB, or α-phospho-CREB. Immunoblot of PGC-1α is representative of composite data from two to four samples for each time point. C, Quantification of nuclear PGC-1α protein expression. Band intensities for PGC-1α and TBP shown in B were quantified by densitometry, and PGC-1α protein levels normalized to TBP are shown. **, P value <0.001, 4-h control vs. 0-h control; ##, P value < 0.05, 4-h control vs. 0-h control; *, P value < 0.05, 4-h control vs. 24-h control; 40-h control vs. 24-h control; #, P value < 0.05, 4-h mutant vs. 0-h mutant, 24-h mutant vs. 0-h control.