Figure 1.
Micrographs from mouse arcuate nucleus sections processed for in situ hybridization (a– e) or immunohistochemistry (f and g) double-labeling for AGRP or NPY mRNA (a– e) or peptide (f and g), respectively. Micrographs taken with bright-field (a and d), bright-field with epiillumination (b), dark-field (c and e), or fluorescence illumination (f and g). NPY mRNA visualized as dark precipitate (a, b, and d) and AGRP mRNA detected as silver grains (b, c, and e) are shown. Note coexistence of AGRP and NPY mRNA/peptide in cell bodies (arrowheads). [Bar = 50 μm (a–c, f, and g) and 250 μm (d and e).]