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. 2008 Jul 18;283(29):20117–20125. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M800217200


Data collection and refinement statistics

r.m.s., root mean square.

Data collection
    Resolution (Å)a 20-2.1 (2.1-2.17)
    Wavelength (Å) 1.00
    Space group P3121
    Unit cell dimensions (a = b, c) (Å) 142.4, 217.1
    Measured reflections 123276
    Completeness (%) 83.4 (80.9)
    Redundancy 2.6 (2.6)
    Mosaicity (°) 0.32
    I 15.8 (1.9)
    Rsym (%)b 5.7 (23.3)
    Wilson B factor 37.6
    Rwork (%)c 19.5
    Rfree (%)c 23.3
    Number of residues/waters 1438/1017
    R.m.s. bonds (Å)/angles (°) 0.008/1.062
    Ramachandran plot (%)d 87.9/11.2/0.5/0.6e
    Average B values 41.5

Values in parentheses correspond to the highest resolution bin.


Rsym = 100*ΣhΣi|li(h) — 〈l(h)〉|/ΣhΣili(h), where li(h) is the ith measurement of reflection h and 〈l(h)〉 is the average value of the reflection intensity.


Rwork = 100*Σ||Fobs| — |Fcalc||/|Fobs|, where Fobs and Fcalc are the structure factor amplitudes from the data and the model, respectively. Rfree is Rwork with 5% of the reflections set aside throughout refinement.


Numbers correspond to the percentage of amino acid residues in the favored, allowed, generously allowed, and disallowed regions, respectively. Calculated using PROCHECK (42).


Seven residues were observed in stereochemically strained conformations either due to crystal packing contacts (Tyr-219 in monomers A and C) or hydrogen bonding interactions (Asn-232 in monomers A—E).