Cardiac output, blood flow, vascular conductance and at the systemic and exercising leg level during incremental and supramaximal cycling and incremental knee-extensor exercise plotted against power output. Note that systemic during incremental cycling increased linearly with power output (slope 9.4 ml min−1 W−1). At the level of the exercising limb muscles, leg increased linearly until ∼100 W (slope 12.2 and 10.2 ml min−1 W−1 for knee-extensor exercise and cycling, respectively), becoming attenuated thereafter. Data are means ± s.e.m. for 12 subjects, except for cardiac output and systemic vascular conductance during cycling and one-legged blood flow, one-legged vascular conductance and leg during supramaximal cycling (n = 8) and cardiac output and systemic vascular conductance during knee-extensions (n = 6).