Figure 7.
ELISPOT (IFN-γ and IL-4) of antigen stimulated splenocytes from WT (black bars) and immune gene KO (grey bars) mice immunized with P30P2MSP1-19 in different adjuvant formulations. Panel A: IL-4 production from WT and IFN-γ KO mice. Panel B: IFN-γ production from WT and IL-4 KO mice. Significant differences (Student t test) between WT and KO mice of an adjuvant group are indicated by asterisks and the pound “#” symbol. Panel C: IL-4 production from WT and STAT6 KO mice. Adjuvant groups marked by asters indicate no significant differences (Student t test) between WT and KO mice. All other groups showed significant differences between WT and KO (p<0.005).