Figure 6. SE and lateral transmission are mediated by different subtypes of glutamate receptors.
A, plot of the normalized SE amplitude over time. At t = 0 min the specific calcium-permeable AMPA receptor antagonist NAS (20 μm) was applied to the bath solution followed by application of NBQX (20 μm) at t = 10 min. Inset, example average traces recorded in current clamp (30 sweeps, scale bars represent 10 ms, 500 μV). Right, population data (n = 8) showing the effects of NAS and NBQX on SE.B, plot of the normalized amplitude of lateral transmission over time; arrows indicate the beginning of bath application of NAS and NBQX as in A. Inset, example traces recorded in voltage clamp (30 sweeps, scale bars represent 10 ms, 10 pA). Bar graphs (right) for population data (n = 7) showing the lack of sensitivity of lateral transmission to NAS (bars correspond to standard deviation).