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. 2007 May 1;41(8):469–480. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.033548

Table 3 Overall and location specific incidence of injuries.

Author, year of publication Incidence of injuries Location specific incidence of injuries
Overall Men (%) Women (%) Foot (%) Ankle (%) Lower leg (%) Knee (%) Upper leg (%) Hip/pelvis (%) LEX, not stated (%) Other sites, not LEX (%) Other sites, not stated (%)
Taunton et al, 200319 28.0% (236 injuries by 236/840 runners) 26.3 28.7 14.0 11.0 26.7 35.2 3.4 9.7
Steinacker et al, 200118 46.6% (injuries by 27/58 runners)* during training 41.6 54.5 16.6 50.0 11.1 11.1 11.2
43.9% (injuries by 18/41 runners)* during marathon 38.5 53.3 11.1 16.7 33.4 16.6 22.2
Lun et al, 200412 79.3% (injuries by 69/87 runners) 79.5 79.1 15.0 3.9 9.0 7.2 9.0 5.0 3.9
Wen et al, 199821 32.9% (84 injuries by 84/255 runners) 16.7 10.7 32.1 31.0 3.6 5.9
Bennell et al, 19969 31.6% (9 injuries by 6/19 runners)† 20.0 44.4 100
Satterthwaite et al, 199616 92.4% (2671 injuries by 846/916 runners) during or immediately after marathon 22.6 16.0 8.8 28.9 23.7
78.9% (1905 injuries by 723/916 runners) in the 7 days following the marathon 14.8 20.5 12.7 38.1 13.9
Macera et al, 198914 51.5% (injuries by 300/583 runners)* 52.0 49.0 22.0 24.0 54.0
Walter et al, 198920 48.4% (747 new+ recurrent injuries by 620/1281 runners) 49.3 45.5 15.7 15.0 12.0 26.6 7.2 8.8 10.6 4.0
26.0% (427 new injuries by 333/1281 runners) 26.8 23.3 18.5 16.6 14.8 25.5 8.2 8.7 5.4 2.3
Bovens et al, 198910 84.9% (174 injuries by 62/73 runners) 5.7 12.1 32.2 24.7 6.3 11.5 7.5
58.0% in 15 km phase
60.0% in 25 km phase
67.0% in 42 km phase
Lysholm & Wiklander, 198713 57.1% (18 injuries by 16/28 runners) 33.3 66.6%
Kretsch et al, 198411 92.0% (injuries by 422/459 runners)* of whom 11% had injuries for more than 1 day after the marathon
Macera et al, 199123 21.6% (injuries by 75/347 runners)* in 5 and 10 km race 24.0 15.8
35.2% (injuries by 57/162 runners)* in the marathon 34.2 43.8
26.1% (injuries by 133/509 runners)* in both races 28.1 19.7
Jakobsen et al, 198922 19.4% (193 injuries by 161/831 runners) 6.9 10.8 16.6 26.9 11.4 27.4‡
Maughan & Miller, 198324 27.2% (122 injuries by 122/449 runners) 39.3 4.9 13.1 32.0 7.4 3.3
Nicholl & Williams, 198225 40.1% (injuries by 97/242 runners)* in half marathon 39.3 42.2
65.1% (injuries by 203/312 runners)* in marathon 65.7 58.6

*Total number of injuries is unknown.

†Overall incidence of stress fractures obtained in this study; the injuries in this study are all stress fractures.

‡These are all blisters; the exact location of the blisters was not given.

LEX, lower extremity.