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. 2007 Jul;61(7):619–624. doi: 10.1136/jech.2006.054346

Table 2 Characteristics of male veteran and non‐veteran suicide decedents in the National Health Interview Survey‐National Death Index.

Veteran suicide (n = 197) Non‐veteran suicide (n = 311) p Value
N (%)§ n (%)§
Age (years)
 18–44 45 (22.38) 230 (69.65)
 45–64 76 (37.23) 35 (11.72)
 ⩾65 76 (40.39) 46 (18.63)
 White 175 (95.53) 248 (72.35)
 Non‐white 21 (4.47) 60 (27.65)
Marital status
 Married 139 (72.09) 155 (50.86)
 Widowed/divorced/separated 45 (18.73) 40 (8.40)
 Never married 13 (9.19) 116 (40.74) *
Living arrangements
 With others 152 (75.71) 258 (88.12)
 Alone 45 (24.29) 53 (11.88)
Education (years)
 <12 52 (12.30) 91 (26.11)
 ⩾12 145 (87.70) 217 (73.89) *
Employment status
 Employed 96 (52.92) 214 (68.41)
 Unemployed 6 (1.88) 17 (6.28)
 Not in labour force 95 (45.19) 80 (25.31)
Region of residence
 Northeast 26 (12.14) 52 (11.46)
 Midwest 42 (17.92) 81 (33.14)
 South 86 (42.63) 107 (29.89)
 West 43 (27.31) 71 (25.51)
Place of residence
 Rural 62 (43.43) 90 (76.96)
 Urban 135 (56.57) 221 (23.04)
Self‐rated health
 Good 142 (90.92) 269 (90.08)
 Poor 24 (9.08) 17 (9.92)
Body mass index
 Underweight (0.0–19.9 kg/m2) 13 (8.70) 27 (13.25)
 Normal weight (20.0–24.9 kg/m2) 88 (51.77) 135 (44.41)
 Overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2) 71 (30.32) 109 (31.33)
 Obese (⩾ 30.0 kg/m2) 22 (9.21) 27 (11.02)
Has at least one chronic non‐psychiatric condition 115 (68.53) 137 (50.95)
Has at least one psychiatric condition 7 (3.03) 16 (1.61)
Activity limitations
 Not limited 134 (45.99) 238 (76.88)
 Limited 63 (50.98) 73 (23.12) *
Suicide method
 Firearm (ICD‐9 E955.0–E955.4) 152 (83.51) 185 (55.11)
 Non‐firearm (ICD‐9 E950.0–E953.0 and E955.5–E959.0) 45 (16.49) 126 (44.89)
Military service era
 World War I 1 (0.23)
 World War II 88 (47.06)
 Korean conflict 21 (5.29)
 Vietnam era 43 (25.77)
 Post‐Vietnam 14 (7.53)
 Other service 25 (14.12)

—, not applicable.

ICD‐9, International classification of diseases, ninth revision, clinical modification.

*p<.05; †p<0.01; ‡p<0.001.

§Unweighted N and weighted percentage with bivariate logistic tests.