Fig. 6.
Site-specific cross-linking experiments. (A) Precursor RNAs containing a single 32P (marked by *) and an s4U residue (indicated by a lightning bolt) four nucleotides downstream of the 32P label. (B) Splicing was carried out with the indicated precursors and aliquots of each mixture were analyzed by denaturing (7M urea) PAGE and autoradiography. (C) The samples were separated by SDS-PAGE after UV irradiation and RNase T1 digestion and 32P-labeled polypeptides were visualized by autoradiography. The positions (in kDa) of pre-stained marker proteins are indicated at the right. (D) Singly-labeled pre-mRNAs with (+) or without (−) s4U at position +17, were spliced in wild-type extract supplemented with wild-type Prp22 or the dominant-negative Prp22-T765A protein. The RNA species were analyzed by denaturing PAGE (left panel) and the 32P-labeled polypeptides were visualized by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography after cross-linking and RNase T1 digestion (right panel). (E) Pre-mRNA containing a single 32P, and s4U at position +17 was spliced in wild-type extract supplemented with Prp22, Prp22-T765A or Prp22-K512A-TAP proteins. After cross-linking and RNase T1 digestion, the samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. (F) s4U-containing +17 pre-mRNA was spliced in Δprp22 extract supplemented with Prp22-T765A or Prp22-N 260-T765A polypeptides. The reaction mixtures were exposed to UV, treated with RNase T1 and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. An autoradiogram of the dried gel is shown.