Figure 1.
Schematic map of the human TCR α/δ locus. Filled rectangles represent Vα, Vδ, Cδ and Cα gene segments, as well as the T-early-α (TEA) exon. Vertical lines represent Dδ, Jδ and Jα gene segments. Eδ and Eα are represented by •, and the TCR α locus control region (LCR) (to date defined only in mouse) is represented as a filled oval. Transcriptional orientation is left to right for all gene segments except Vδ3 (rearrangement of Vδ3 occurs by inversion of Dδ, Jδ, and Cδ gene segments). ψJα is a nonfunctional Jα thought to serve as an acceptor for initial rearrangement events into the Jα region (17). Restriction enzymes are K, KpnI; Bg, BglII; R, EcoRI; Bm, BamHI; N, NsiI; C, ClaI.