Figure 1.
EtxB, but not EtxB(G33D), dramatically protects mice from the development of CIA. Groups of male DBA/1 mice (7–15 animals per group) were either unchallenged (□; negative control) or were each injected with 100 μg of bovine collagen in CFA on day 0 by s.c. injection at the base of tail. With collagen-injected mice, either the animals were left unprotected (▪; positive control) or attempts were made to prevent disease development by the separate s.c. administration into the flank of 100 μg of EtxB in IFA on either day 0 or day 21 (▧) or 100 μg of EtxB(G33D) in IFA on day 0 (▨). All animals, except the negative control, received a boosting dose of collagen in IFA s.c. at the base of tail on day 21, and disease severity was assessed on day 45 by measuring hind limb ankle thickness.