Heat map and survival-apoptosis pathways. (a) Heat map of 15 proapoptotic, 3 antiapoptotic, and 5 DNA-damage-repair genes in UACC903(+6) and UACC903 cell lines before (0) and at 1.5-, 3-, 6-, and 12-h after the UV treatment. The color map illustrates a color change corresponding to a ratio change. Each ratio was calculated by dividing an expression level of a given gene at the time point to the mathematic mean value of the gene expression levels in both UACC903(+6) and UACC903 cells without UV treatment. The arrowheads and hyphens indicate overall expression changes of a gene in response to the UV treatment. (b) The survival-apoptosis pathways with differentially expressed genes between UACC903(+6) and UACC903 cell lines without UV treatment. Red, green and black correspond to those at the 0-h time point in UACC903(+6) and UACC903 cell line listed in the panel (A). The left and right half in each gene plate represents relative expression levels between UACC903(+6) and UACC903, respectively. Solid line with solid arrowhead: direct activation of expression or activity; dashed line: indirect; open arrowhead: translocation; line with a short line at one end: inhibition; line with circle: leading to; square: cytokine; double circles or rhombus: group or complex; rhombus: enzymes; circle: named protein; membrane: cell membrane