Stereo diagram comparing the subdomain interfaces of Sec18p-N (black) and NSF-N (pink). (A) In NSF-N, the small side chain of Ala-129 allows Phe-85 to pack against His-34. In Sec18p-N, the larger Ile-151 prevents the close approach of Leu-104 to Tyr-57. A hydrophobic cluster is preserved in this region, but the backbone in the vicinity of the linker must shift to accommodate the particular amino acids in the cluster. (B) In NSF-N, the side chain of Thr-48 is in position to form a hydrogen bond directly with the backbone amide of Ala-129. In Sec18p-N, the distance between these atoms is increased, and the hydrogen bond is water-mediated. Figure was generated with molscript (36).