Wt, cry1a- and CRY2-OX tomato plants were grown under LD (A) and LL (B) conditions. The abundance of the mRNAs of GI and LHC4 genes were measured by QRT-PCR. Results are presented as a proportion of the highest value after normalization with β-actin. Open, closed and hatched bars along the horizontal axis represent light, dark and subjective night periods, respectively. Time points are measured in hours from dawn (zeitgeber Time [ZT]). Data shown are the average of two biological replicates, with error bars representing SEM. Circles (O) indicate time points of CRY2-OX and cry1a- genotypes, significantly different from the corresponding ones in wt (Student's t test, P ≤ 0.05). For each genotype, X indicate time points significantly different from the highest transcription value (Student's t test, P ≤ 0.05).