Airway responses to MCh (as enhanced pause; Penh) in naïve mice of various strains. A. Means ± SE shown for strains C57Bl6 (filled circle, n = 12), IL-10-/- (open circle, n = 12), NOS-2-/- (filled triangle, n = 8) and NOS-3-/- (open triangle, n = 4); **P < 0.05 vs. 0 mg/ml MCh and next lowest MCh concentration within strain; ***P < 0.05 vs. 0 mg/ml MCh and next two lowest MCh concentrations within strain; vP < 0.05 decreased vs. C57Bl6 at same MCh concentration; +P < 0.05 NOS-2-/- vs. NOS-3-/- at given MCh concentration. B. Means ± SE shown for strains: A/J (filled square, n = 12), MKK3-/- (open square, n = 10), MKK3-sufficient C57/C129 (crossed square, n = 10), JNK1-/- (inverted filled triangle, n = 10), as compared to C57Bl6, as in panel A. *P < 0.05 as compared to 0 mg/ml MCh within strain; ^P <0.05 increased vs. C57Bl6 at same MCh concentration; other significance symbols as in panel A.