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. 2008 Jul 8;8:54. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-8-54

Table 2.

Explanations given by the patients for symptoms categorised according to the SEMI coding manual.

Perceived cause Frequency Percentage
Internal world (originating in the body or mind) 18 26.4
  Mechanical-damage/blockage/abnormal function 6 8.8
 Examples; 'Happened after the child birth; caesarean section',' Because of an injury to my leg 5 years back', 'Gastritis',' Illness of nerves', 'A fish bone or a metal pin stuck in the throat', 'I have swallowed a metal pin in 1950','a poison has got into my body',
  Psychological/Emotional-worry/fear/upset/sad/lazy 5 7.4
 Examples;'Because I breast fed my child while another child was watching', 'Brother got paralysed at the age of 37 years and I think about it'
  Substance abuse-smoke/alcohol/ 1 1.5
 Examples; 'Because of chewing betel', 'Did not eat my meals on time and neglected myself',
  Fatigue- run down/weak spot/non specific stress 2 2.9
  Ageing 2 2.9
  Imbalance-diet/vitamin/lack of blood/hot cold 2 2.9
 Examples;'Because of the Vatha' (ayurvedic concept referring to wind or gas) 'Due to too much heat in the body',

Natural world 1 1.5
Weather-rain/damp/sun/cold 1 1.5

Social world 10 14.8
  Wrong action by health professionals 3 4.4
  Delay in seeking help 1 1.5
  Discrimination 1 1.5
  Money 1 1.5
 Examples;'Because I was not successful in life'
  Work related 4 5.9
 Examples;' Because I was in the catering field I developed anorexia for food',

Supernatural world 1 1.5
  Supernatural or Magic by a human agency 1 1.5
 Examples;'An evil spell cast by somebody else,' 'Due to de-merits of an earlier birth'

Any other – (vague answers that did not fit into any of above) 13 19.1
Unable to say 25 36.8
'No idea', 'Don't know'

Total 68 100.0