Amino acids promote the localization of mTOR to a Rab7-positive compartment that also contains Rheb. (A) mTOR and Rab7 localization in cells deprived or stimulated with amino acids. HEK-293T cells transiently transfected with a cDNA for dsRed-Rab7 were starved for serum and amino acids for 50 minutes and, where indicated, stimulated with amino acids for 10 minutes. Cells were then processed to detect mTOR (green), Rab7 (red), and DNA content (blue), and imaged. Two examples are shown of mTOR localization in the presence of amino acids. (B) HEK-293T cells stably expressing RagBGTP and transiently transfected with a cDNA for dsRed-Rab7 were treated and processed as in (A). (C) Rheb1 and Rab7 localization in cells deprived or stimulated with amino acids. HEK-293T cells transiently transfected with 1–2 ng of cDNAs for GFP-Rheb1 and dsRed-Rab7 were treated as in (A), processed to detect Rheb1 (green), Rab7 (red), and DNA content (blue), and imaged. (D) Model for role of Rag GTPases in signaling amino acid availability to mTORC1.