E449K is hyperactive in synapsis. A catalytically inactive double mutant of integrase, S12A, E449K was used to assay synapsis between all combinations of att sites. Annealed oligonucleotides were labelled to provide probes with identical lengths; attB (A), attP (B) attR (C) and attL (D). The formation of synaptic complexes was assayed by adding integrase S12A, E449K (125 nM) and partner fragments encoding a second att site. To demonstrate the presence of the partner fragments in the synaptic complexes, different sizes (104, 142, 235 bp) of partner were used in each assay that shift the mobility of the synapse. A control reaction containing probe, S12A integrase (125 nM) and a 235 bp partner was run in each panel. The position of the probe (attB) is only shown in (A); in (B–D) only the integrase:DNA complexes are shown.