gul-4/Δmak-2 strains suppress the cot-1(ts) growth defects. (A) The indicated strains were germinated and grown on minimal media plates for 3 days at 37°. Note the increased colony diameters of cot-1(ts);gul-4 and cot-1(ts);Δmak-2 compared to cot-1(ts). Bar, 1 cm. (B) Results of temperature-shift experiments, in which strains grown at 25° and shifted to 37° for 8 hr illustrate pointed growth-arrested tips of cot-1(ts), cot-1(ts);Δos-2, and cot-1(ts);Δmak-1, while dome-shaped slow-growing apices are visible in cot-1(ts),gul-4 and cot-1(ts);Δmak-2. Bar, 20 μm. (C) The indicated strains were transformed with mak-2 expression vector or the empty vector as control and grown on minimal media plates supplemented with 30 μg/ml nourseothricin for 3 days at 37°. Bar, 1 cm. (D) Western blot analysis of cell extracts probed with anti-COT1 antibodies indicate that deleting any of the three MAPKs does not affect COT1 expression (top) and that the gulliver-like suppression of the cot-1(1) phenotype by Δmak-2 at restrictive temperature is independent of the presence of the COT1 67-kDa band (arrow on bottom).