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. 2006 May 1;3(3):369–390. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.003.03.007


Effects of difference in radon exposure for smokers and non-smokers, with x = smoker/non-smoker exposures in each county. Table gives value of B for various choices of the width of distribution of x-values (SD as fraction of mean) and Corr(x,r).

x-average SD of x Corr(x,r) B
0.8 0.57 1.0 −4.9
0.9 0.57 1.0 −4.8
1.0 0.57 1.0 −4.7
1.2 0.57 1.0 −4.5
1.5 0.57 1.0 −4.3
0.9 0.57 0 −6.5
0.9 0.57 0.4 −5.9
0.9 0.57 0.7 −5.5
0.9 0.57 1.0 −4.8
0.9 0.28 0 −7.3
0.9 0.28 0.4 −6.7
0.9 0.28 1.0 −5.6