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. 2007 Jun 26;5(3):187–203. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.06-009.Schollnberger



Pictorial representation of the State-Vector Model. Cells in state 0 represent normal cells. The rate constants of DSB formation in specific transcriptionally active areas of the genome and in other inactive domains of DNA are denoted as k01s and k01ns, respectively. k23 denotes the rate constant of DSB interaction and k34 is the rate constant of damage fixation. State 4 cells are initiated and can be eliminated by a dose-rate independent protective apoptosis-mediated bystander effect (kap, dashed arrow) in addition to the dose-rate dependent pathway for necrotic cell killing (kd). The mitotic rate constant is denoted as km (cell divisions per day). A fraction F of the initiated cells cycles at an elevated mitotic rate (kmp). The rate constants for repair of DSBs in transcriptionally active and inactive DNA are represented by krsand krns, respectively. Cell-cycle associated postreplication repair (rate constant km) is possible for cells in states 1s, 1ns, and 2.