Worker Comparison | Reference | PROFAC × 100 Lung Cancer (%) |
Badged/unbadged U.S. DOE female workers | Wilkinson el al. 2000 | 49 |
Radiologists/physicians, UK | Berrington el al. 2001 | 26–100 |
High-dose/control shipyard workers | Sponsler and Cameron 2005 | 7 |
Monitored/unmonitored UK nuclear workers | Carpenter el al. 1998 | 39 |
Radiation/non-radiation UKAEA nuclear workers | Atkinson el al. 2004 | 11 |
Radiation/non-radiation UK nuclear workers | McGeoghegan and Binks 2000a,b; 2001 | 3–43 |
In each study, radiation-exposed cohorts were compared with non-radiation cohorts in the same workplace or environment to reduce the biases resulting in the HWE.