Schematic diagram of three compartment lateral-diffusion-coupled network model. One compartment is assigned for the cell, one for the interstitial space and one for the bath. Dispersion (diffusion to the bath) and lateral diffusion (diffusion between the interstitial spaces of neighboring cells) were included in the model. For the cell, the 16-compartment zero-Ca2+ CA1 pyramidal cells were used and they were arranged in an array. For [K+]o regulation mechanisms, K+ pump and glial buffer uptake were used. With the cell radius of 8.9 μm and the volume ratio of 0.15, the outer diameter of each sphere was estimated as 18.64 μm. All cells with respect to a (virtual) extracellular recording site (solid circle) were used for the calculation of field potential. ‘r’ indicates a distance between the recording location and the center of a cell-body.