Different patterns of genotype-environment interaction. Design
(i): interaction effect for homozygotes, no main effects; Design
(i = c): interaction effect for homozygotes and heterozygotes, with interaction effect heterozygotes equal to effect A1 homozygotes, no main effects; Design
(i,e): interaction effects homozygotes, and main effect environment; Design
(i,a): interaction effect homozygotes, and QTL effect; Design
(i,a,d): interaction effect homozygotes, and main effect QTL including dominance; Design
(i,a,e): interaction effects homozygotes, and main effects environment and QTL; Design
(−i,a): reversed interaction effects homozygotes, and main effect QTL; Design
(−i,a,e): reversed interaction effects homozygotes, and main effects environment and QTL