Figure 2. Structure of the Gm114 locus and transcript in testis.
(A) Structure of predicted and confirmed Gm114 locus. 5’ RACE analysis mapped the start site of the Gm114 transcript, which is located at the predicted exon 8 (gray boxes represent predicted exons, black boxes represent confirmed exons). The arrow represents the result of 5’ RACE analysis using an internal 3’ primer located in the predicted 12th exon. The Gm114 gene is composed of 14 exons and is spliced into a 2.2 kb mRNA. (B) Northern blot analysis of adult and embryonic (16.5 dpc) testes total mRNA using a 1.3kb Gm114 cDNA probe (shown in A) confirmed that the major Gm114 transcript is slightly larger than 2kb.