New terminology relevant to songbird vocal and auditory areas
Old Term | Old Abbreviation | New Term | New Abbreviation |
Nucleus intermedius of the medulla | IM | Hypoglossal nucleus –the twelfth cranial nerve nucleus | nXII |
Nucleus nervi hypoglossi the twelfth cranial nerve nucleus | nXII | Supraspinal nucleus | SSp |
Area ventralis of Tsai | AVT | Ventral tegmental area or A10 | VTA or A10 |
Nucleus tegmenti-pedunculopontinus, pars compacta | TPc | Substantia nigra, pars compacta or A9 | SNc or A9 |
Anterior nucleus of ansa lenticularis | ALa | Subthalamic nucleus | STN |
Striatal subdivision | |||
Lobus parolfactorius | LPO | Medial striatum | MSt |
–Area X within songbird LPO | X | –Area X within songbird MSt | X |
Paleostriatum augmentatum | PA | Lateral striatum | LSt |
–Caudal paleostriatum (auditory region) | PC | –Caudal part of the lateral striatum (auditory region) | CSt |
Pallidal subdivision | |||
Paleostriatum primitivum | PP | Globus pallidus | GP |
Ventral paleostriatum | VP | Ventral pallidum | VP |
Hyperpallium subdivision | |||
Hyperstriatum, Wulst regions | H | Hyperpallium | H |
–Hyperstriatum accessorium | HA | –Hyperpallium apicale | HA |
–Hyperstriatum intercalatum superior | HIS | –Hyperpallium intercalatum | HI |
–Hyperstriatum dorsale | HD | –Hyperpallium dorsale | HD |
Mesopallium subdivision | |||
Hyperstriatum ventrale | HV | Mesopallium | M |
–Nucleus avalanche | Av | –Nucleus avalanche | Av |
–Oval nucleus of the hyperstriatum ventrale | HVo | –Oval nucleus of the mesopallium | MO |
–Caudal medial hyperstriatum ventrale | CMHV | –Caudal medial mesopallium | CMM |
–Caudal lateral hyperstriatum ventrale | CLHV | –Caudal lateral mesopallium | CLM |
Nidopallium subdivision | |||
Neostriatum | N | Nidopallium | N |
–Hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale, or high vocal center, or HVc (letter-based name) | HVC or HVc | –HVC (letter-based proper name) | HVC |
–Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum | lMAN or LMAN | –Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium | LMAN |
–Medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum | mMAN or MMAN | –Medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium | MMAN |
–Interfacial nucleus | NIf | –Interfacial nucleus of the nidopallium | NIf |
–Caudal medial neostriatum | NCM | Caudal medial nidopallium | NCM |
–HVC shelf | HVC shelf | –HVC shelf (letter-based proper name) | HVC shelf |
–Field L | L | –Field L | L |
–Ectostriatum | E | – Entopallium | E |
–Nucleus basalis | B or Bas | –Nucleus basorostralis | B or Bas |
Arcopallium subdivisions | |||
Archistriatum | A | Arcopallium | A |
–Robust nucleus of the archistriatum | RA | –Robust nucleus of the arcopallium | RA |
–Cup of robust nucleus of the archistriatum | RA cup | –Cup of robust nucleus of the arcopallium | RA cup |
–Ventromedial nucleus of the intermediate archistriatum | Aivm | –Ventromedial nucleus of the intermediate arcopallium | AIVM |