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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Jul 23.
Published in final edited form as: Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Jun;1016:77–108. doi: 10.1196/annals.1298.013


New terminology relevant to songbird vocal and auditory areas

Old Term Old Abbreviation New Term New Abbreviation
Nucleus intermedius of the medulla IM Hypoglossal nucleus –the twelfth cranial nerve nucleus nXII
Nucleus nervi hypoglossi the twelfth cranial nerve nucleus nXII Supraspinal nucleus SSp
Area ventralis of Tsai AVT Ventral tegmental area or A10 VTA or A10
Nucleus tegmenti-pedunculopontinus, pars compacta TPc Substantia nigra, pars compacta or A9 SNc or A9
Anterior nucleus of ansa lenticularis ALa Subthalamic nucleus STN
Striatal subdivision
Lobus parolfactorius LPO Medial striatum MSt
–Area X within songbird LPO X –Area X within songbird MSt X
Paleostriatum augmentatum PA Lateral striatum LSt
–Caudal paleostriatum (auditory region) PC –Caudal part of the lateral striatum (auditory region) CSt
Pallidal subdivision
Paleostriatum primitivum PP Globus pallidus GP
Ventral paleostriatum VP Ventral pallidum VP
Hyperpallium subdivision
Hyperstriatum, Wulst regions H Hyperpallium H
–Hyperstriatum accessorium HA –Hyperpallium apicale HA
–Hyperstriatum intercalatum superior HIS –Hyperpallium intercalatum HI
–Hyperstriatum dorsale HD –Hyperpallium dorsale HD
Mesopallium subdivision
Hyperstriatum ventrale HV Mesopallium M
–Nucleus avalanche Av –Nucleus avalanche Av
–Oval nucleus of the hyperstriatum ventrale HVo –Oval nucleus of the mesopallium MO
–Caudal medial hyperstriatum ventrale CMHV –Caudal medial mesopallium CMM
–Caudal lateral hyperstriatum ventrale CLHV –Caudal lateral mesopallium CLM
Nidopallium subdivision
Neostriatum N Nidopallium N
–Hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale, or high vocal center, or HVc (letter-based name) HVC or HVc –HVC (letter-based proper name) HVC
–Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum lMAN or LMAN –Lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium LMAN
–Medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum mMAN or MMAN –Medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium MMAN
–Interfacial nucleus NIf –Interfacial nucleus of the nidopallium NIf
–Caudal medial neostriatum NCM Caudal medial nidopallium NCM
–HVC shelf HVC shelf –HVC shelf (letter-based proper name) HVC shelf
–Field L L –Field L L
–Ectostriatum E – Entopallium E
–Nucleus basalis B or Bas –Nucleus basorostralis B or Bas
Arcopallium subdivisions
Archistriatum A Arcopallium A
–Robust nucleus of the archistriatum RA –Robust nucleus of the arcopallium RA
–Cup of robust nucleus of the archistriatum RA cup –Cup of robust nucleus of the arcopallium RA cup
–Ventromedial nucleus of the intermediate archistriatum Aivm –Ventromedial nucleus of the intermediate arcopallium AIVM