Speed ratings of red-green gratings as a function of green/red
saturation ratio |G|/|R| and the contrast of an added
luminance grating. The dotted lines indicate the points at which the
added luminance grating produced isoluminance in the calibration
procedure. The moving grating was 0.5 cycles/deg, 2 Hz, speed 4
deg/sec, 8% contrast in DLK space, and was viewed at eccentricities
of 3.5 and 4.5 deg (observers LL and HK). The rated speed of a matched,
8% contrast black-white grating is taken as 100%. The numbers in the
graph indicate the speed of the black-white grating to which the speed
of the color grating was matched. Each point is the average of three
judgments made in consecutive sessions. 0 indicates absolute standstill
on all trials.