Table 2.
Candidate genes for ARVD [37]
Components of the desmosome |
Desmosomal cadherins (desmocollins; desmogleins)* |
Desmoplakin* |
Emerin |
Plectin |
Plakophilin* |
Tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate desmosomal proteins |
Components of the adherens junction |
α-catenin |
β-catenin |
γ-catenin (junctional plakoglobin)* |
N-cadherin |
Constituents of the gap junction |
Connexin 43 |
Others |
Cardiac ryanodine receptor* |
Components of dystrophic-glycoprotein complex |
Desmin |
Laminin receptor-1 |
Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase-1 |
Transforming growth factor β3* |
*genes that have been definitively implicated in ARVD.
Of the other genes listed above, many are currently under investigation for a potential etiological role in ARVD