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. 2008 Jul 19;337(7662):151–154. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a279

Table 4.

 Sexual satisfaction and function among sexually active 70 year olds from Gothenburg, Sweden, examined in 1971-2, 1976-7, 1992-3, and 2000-1. Values are number who answered question of total number examined (percentage) unless stated otherwise

Variable Men Women
1976-7 2000-1 Sample difference P value† 1976-7 1992-3 2000 Sample trend P value*
High satisfaction 48/83 (58) 94/132 (71) 0.054 16/39 (41) 38/80 (48) 45/73 (62) 0.039
Low or no satisfaction 2/83 (2) 11/132 (8) 0.086 15/39 (39)*** 12/80 (15) 7/73 (10) 0
Erectile dysfunction 15/83 (18) 11/133 (8) 0.051
Ejaculation dysfunction 4/83 (5) 16/133 (12) 0.092
Premature ejaculation 3/83 (4) 5/133 (4) 1.000
Always or usually orgasm 23/39 (59) 44/81 (54) 58/70 (83) 0.015
Never had orgasms 16/39 (41) 20/81 (25) 4/70 (6) 0

***P<0.001 (Fisher’s exact test) for difference between sexes in birth sample.

*Cochran-Armitage χ2 test for sample trends.

†Fisher’s exact test.