Figure 6.
MS-friendly database generation as a solution to discrepancy of datasets. As it was reported by Schandorff et al. [22], we propose the creation of a unified database where differences in the N-terminal side of annotated genes can be easily accommodated to improve proteomic identification. In this example, the N-terminal of a gene annotated in Sanger, TIGR and a predicted cleavage site of the Sanger are considered (A). The alignment in (A) only shows the N-terminal region to facilitate comparison, with the first common tryptic site as a black box. When the entry is generated, the sequence of the longer version is kept (in this case, Sanger). Only the tryptic peptides comprising the TIGR N-terminal and the Sanger predicted N-terminal are inserted after a J. Such an approach not only allows the identification of all sequence variations within a single and simplified entry, but also eliminates redundancy from regions where the annotated sequences are identical.