Figure 1.
Association of Tat with HAT activity. (a) Tat coimmunoprecipitates with a HAT activity. Whole-cell extracts from HL3T1 cells treated with GST-Tat 101 or GST (Left) or transfected with a Tat-expressing vector (Right) were immunoprecipitated with the indicated antibodies. Immunoprecipitates were analyzed for HAT activity by liquid scintillation counting. (b) GST-Tat pulls down a HAT activity specific for all four core histones. A Dignam nuclear extract from HeLa cells was incubated with GST-Tat 101 or GST on agarose beads. Bound proteins were assayed for HAT activity; acetylated histones were resolved by SDS/PAGE and detected by autoradiography. NE, pattern of histone acetylation by the nuclear extract before pull-down. (c) The arginine-rich domain of Tat is involved in the association with HAT activity. GST pull-down experiments were performed as in b with the indicated proteins. The results are expressed as fold acetylation with respect to GST.