Figure 2. Total photocell counts after injection of saline or cocaine on conditioning days.
Animals were conditioned with either 10 (triangles), 15 (squares) or 20 (diamonds) mg/kg i.p. cocaine or with vehicle (open circles). (a) Cocaine-conditioned animals are significantly more active on drug-paired sessions compared to saline controls. (b) There is no significant difference between any of the groups during the vehicle-paired sessions. Data represent mean ± SEM and statistical significance with p<0.05 is represented by an asterisk for drug/vehicle-paired vs. saline paired, a hash for cocaine vs. saline treatment and a cross for specific day differences compared to Day 3. n=29 (Veh), n= 8 (Coc 10 mg/kg), n=24 (Coc 15 mg/kg) and n=10 (Coc 20 mg/kg)