Figure 4.
Overproduction of PP neurons and lack of preplate splitting in the Nde1−/− Lis1+/− cortex. (A) Preplate neurons were labeled by CSPG antibody in red and cortical plate neurons were labeled with DCX antibody in green. A significant increase in CSPG was detected throughout the entire Nde1+/−Lis1+/− cortex before its size was reduced at E11.5. (B) The cortex of Nde1−/−Lis1+/− mutant was thinner at E12.5, but their CSPG positive zone was broadened (arrows). (C) At E13.5, while Nde1+/−, Nde1−/− and Nde1+/−Lis1+/− embryos all showed well separated preplate (indicated by yellow arrows), no splitting of the preplate could be detected in the Nde1−/−Lis1+/− cortex. In addition to greatly increased CSPG positive preplate neurons (in red), increases of DCX positive young cortical plate neurons (in green) was also detectable. E, Nde1; L, Lis1. Bar: 100 µm.