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. 2008 Jul 4;4:24. doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-4-24

Table 1.

Description of the independent variables included in the analysis

Name Description Source Type

TVETNET Holding type. Reclassified into three categories: beef, dairy, other (including mixed herds). VETNET. Animal Health Information System of the State Veterinary Service (SVS) Categorical
CATSHE Mixed holding (cattle and sheep). Agricultural Census 2004 Binary
TCTS Holding type. Only two types of holdings appear in the final study population: agricultural holdings with land and landless keeper. Other holding types as in CTS database do not appear because markets, abattoirs, Artificial Insemination Centres and show grounds have not been included in the study population. Cattle Tracing System (CTS) Binary.
FARMA Total area farmed in Ha. Agricultural Census 2004 Numeric
OPENCLOSED Registered movements on/off in CTS during 2004. If none was recorded, it was considered closed. If at least one movement either on or off was registered, it was considered open. CTS Binary
HERSIZE Herd size was estimated by combining the information available in two data sources. It is the number of cattle present at the time of conducting the Agricultural Census or when VETNET database was updated VETNET and Agricultural Census (2004) Numeric


CATDENSITY Average number of cattle in the area surrounding the holding's location. The kriged surface using HERSIZE is a "smoothed" value of the cattle population in the area where the holding is located. This is obtained by generating a cattle population density surface from interpolation of herd size numbers between the holding point locations. It was calculated by using ordinary kriging based on a spherical semivariogram using ArcGIS 9 (© ESRI). HERSIZE Numeric
SHEDENCEN Density of sheep in the area where the holding is located. This is calculated by assigning to each location the total sheep population of sheep in the 5 km2 grid cell where the holding is located. UKBORDERS-EDINA-Agricultural Census 2004 Numeric
CATBUF5 Density of cattle holdings in the buffer area of 5 km radius (78.5 km2) surrounding the point location of each holding of the study population. Agricultural Census 2004, CTS and Farmfile Numeric


ADDPOST Number of addresses in the post code where the holding is located. UK Postcode Directory-National Statistics Numeric
POPCAS Number of total human population in the Census Area Statistics (CAS) where the holding is located. UK Census 2001-National Statistics. 2001 Census Aggregate Outputs. Economic & Social research Council (ESRC). Numeric
SOILCAT 24 soil classes according to NATMAP soilscapes have been aggregated into four main soil types: Combinations of loamy soils, combination of acid soils, combination of freely draining soils and other types (peat soils, salt marsh, sand dune, etc.). NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical
TEXTCAT Three classes of soil texture according to NATMAP soilscapes: loamy, peaty and sandy. NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical
DRAINCAT Six classes of soil drainage according to NATMAP soilscapes and re-classified into four types: freely draining, impeded and slightly impeded drainage, surface wetness/naturally wet and variable. NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical
FERTCAT Ten classes of soil fertility according to NATMAP soilscapes re-classified into four types: high, moderate, low and lime-rich. NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical
LANDNATMAP Sixteen land classes according to LANDNATMAP re-classified into three types: combinations of arable land, combinations of grassland and other (moorland, forestry, etc.) NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical.
LANDCOVER Ten classes: improved grassland, coniferous woodland, semi-natural grass, broad-leaved/mixed woodland, mountain/heath/bog, arable and horticultural, built-up/gardens, standing open water, oceanic and coastal. Source: 1 km grid raster data with aggregate classes and sub-classes, Land Cover Map 2000: Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Categorical
HABICAT Twenty classes of habitats according to NATMAP soilscapes and re-classified into four types: combinations of pasture and woodlands, combination of grassland and grass moors, combination of wet areas and other (coastal salt marsh, sand dune vegetation, etc.). NATMAP soilscapes for Wales. National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI) – Cranfield University. Silsoe. Bedford. Categorical
TOTRAIN Total rainfall in 2003. 5 km grid monthly mean rainfall Mean rainfall and temperature data (1999–2004). Geographic Information Unit- DEFRA- authorised by the Met Office Numeric
AVETEMP Annual average surface temperature in 2003. 5 Km grid monthly mean temperature Mean rainfall and temperature data (1999–2004). Geographic Information Unit- DEFRA- authorised by the Met Office Numeric
5KMAONB Within or at less than 5 Km to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Protected sites datasets Country side Council of Wales Binary
5KMNNR Within or at less than 5 Km to a National Nature Reserve (NNR). Protected sites datasets Country side Council of Wales Binary
5KMLNR Within or at less than 5 Km to a Local Nature Reserve (LNR). Protected sites datasets Country side Council of Wales Binary
WITHISSSI Within a "Site of Special Scientific interest" (SSSI). Protected sites datasets Country side Council of Wales Binary