Table 3.
Negative binomial regression output reporting independent variable effects on citations to articles aged 9 to 12 months
Coefficient | Incidence rate ratio (95% CI) | P value |
Open access | 0.95 (0.81 to 1.10) | 0.484 |
Cover article | 0.93 (0.52 to 1.64) | 0.789 |
Press release | 1.23 (0.50 to 3.05) | 0.654 |
Self archived | 0.90 (0.53 to 1.55) | 0.716 |
Review article | 1.34 (1.01 to 1.78) | 0.041 |
Methods article | 0.62 (0.37 to 1.06) | 0.079 |
Any author from USA | 1.17 (1.04 to 1.32) | 0.007 |
No of authors* | 1.13 (1.01 to 1.26) | 0.030 |
No of references* | 1.42 (1.17 to 1.72) | <0.001 |
Article length (pages)* | 1.09 (0.86 to 1.38) | 0.483 |
Journal impact factor* | 1.39 (1.10 to 1.76) | 0.006 |
Issue | 1.26 (1.20 to 1.33) | <0.001 |
χ2 12, 1607=313.14, P<0.001, pseudo R2=0.06, α for dispersion 0.43 (95% confidence interval 0.35 to 0.54).
*Log transformed.