Figure 2.
Analysis of DRP1A-GFP focus dynamics at the cell cortex. A, Epidermal root cell in the elongation zone expressing DRP1A-GFP imaged with VAEM. B, Image montage taken from time lapse sequence of the epidermal root cell shown in A. Numbers in top right corners indicate time elapsed from first image in seconds. The focus indicated by the open arrowhead changed position during its lifetime in the cell cortex (first position, yellow arrowhead; second position, blue arrowhead). The focus indicated by the solid red arrowhead did not change position. C, Intensity profiles of the foci indicated in B. The mobile focus (open arrowhead) is indicated by both yellow (first position) and blue (second position) lines. D, Lifetime distribution of DRP1A-GFP foci in cells from plants grown on one-half-strength Murashige and Skoog (1/2 MS) with no drug (black bars) and from plants grown in the presence of 10 μg/mL fenpropimorph (gray bars). E, Lifetime analysis of DRP1A-GFP from plants treated for 20 min with 10 μm oryzalin (white bars), 1 μm latB (striped bars), concurrently with 10 μm oryzalin + 1 μm latB (gray bars), or mock treated with 0.1% DMSO (black bars). Scale bars = 1 μm.