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. 2008 Jun 25;466(9):2238–2246. doi: 10.1007/s11999-008-0305-5

Table 7.

Objective functional outcome ratings according to IKDC guidelines*

IKDC scoring Autograft ST&G hamstrings (Mean ± SD) Allograft ST&G hamstrings (Mean ± SD)
Objective IKDC scores
    Nearly normal 0 1
    Abnormal 28 37
    Severely abnormal 9 8
  Final followup
    Normal 12 19
    Nearly normal 19 19
    Abnormal 4 6
    Severely abnormal 2 2
  Satisfactory results 84% 83%

* Mean score comparison of autograft versus allograft hamstrings analyzed by chi square test, p = 0.51 for preoperative and p = 0.80 for final followup; IKDC = International Knee Documentation Committee; SD = standard deviation; ST&G = semitendinosus and gracilis tendons.