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. 2008 May 23;74(14):4366–4380. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00285-08


M. anisopliae isolates vary in virulence against second-instar BAW and in destruxin production in vitro

ARSEF isolate Metarhizium species Host origin Destruxins A and B (SEM)a Relative levels of Dtxb Mean time (days) until deathc MaNPS1 RFLPd
324 M. anisopliae var. acridum Orthoptera 0.38 (0.20) L 5.4a A
703 M. anisopliae Lepidoptera 0.66 (0.21) L 3.6bc B
1015 M. anisopliae var. majus Lepidoptera 0.32 (0.32) L 4.1b B
2421 M. anisopliae Homoptera 2.97 (0.21) L NT B
297 M. anisopliae var. majus Coleoptera 1.03 (0.22) L NT B
2353 Metarhizium sp. Homoptera 27.91 (0.94) I 4.1b C
1094 M. anisopliae Lepidoptera 10.35 (1.72) I NT C
1080 M. anisopliae Lepidoptera 12.26 (1.45) I 3.9b C
3335 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae Coleoptera 10.13 (1.13) I NT C
808 M. anisopliae Coleoptera 9.95 (0.41) I NT C
2162 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae Coleoptera 40.75 (2.17) H NT C
2575 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae Coleoptera 110.41 (13.38) H 3.4c C
1095 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae Lepidoptera 83.54 (3.37) H 3.5c B
549 M. anisopliae Unknown 59.13 (7.91) H NT C
2547 M. anisopliae Coleoptera 95.35 (8.47) H NT C
23 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae Coleoptera 160.34 (14.28) H 3.4c C

Estimates are expressed in mg/liter of broth at 14 days postinoculation for destruxins A and B.


Arbitrarily assigned categories of destruxin (Dtx) A and B production. L, low (0 to 5 mg/liter of broth); I, intermediate (>5 to 30 mg/liter of broth); H, high (>30 to 170 mg/liter of broth).


Dosage of ca. 10 spores/mm2. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different as determined by analysis of variance (F7,347 = 16.0; P < 0.0001; Tukey's test, P < 0.05). NT, not tested.


See Fig. 2. A, double band unique to ARSEF 324; B, single 4.9-kb band typical of most low destruxin producers; C, two bands at 3.2 and 1.7 kb typical of intermediate to high destruxin producers. ARSEF 1095 was an exception to this trend.