Snail1 and Suz12 are coexpressed in mesenchymal cells from murine embryos. Sagittal sections obtained from murine embryos were analyzed by immunohistochemical analysis of Snail1 and Suz12. (A) Sagittal section from an E7.5 embryo. Magnifications: upper panel, ×200; lower panel, ×400. mes, mesoderm; ect, ectoderm; end, endoderm. (B) E9.5. Magnifications: upper panel, ×200; lower panel, ×400. nt, neural tube; nl, neural lumen. (C) E15. Magnification, ×400. dc, dermal condensate. (D) E18. Magnification, ×400. dp, dermal papilla; b, bulb.